Wednesday, October 10

Ginger Tea Recipe

Welcome back! It's day three in my Immune-Boosting Recipe week. If you haven't already, be sure to check out day's one - Matcha Muffins and two - Green Smoothies.
  Ginger has been used in natural remedies for ages. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, and is very often used in cold and flu remedies. To learn more about the benefits of ginger, click here.
Ginger tea is one of my favorite drinks in the fall and winter. I also love drinking this tea when I have a sore throat. It's so easy to make too!
Ginger Tea
1 C Hot Water
1 Tbsp fresh ginger
Honey to taste
You will need a vegetable peeler, 2 cups, a fine mesh sieve and a grating tool for this recipe.
1) Using a vegetable peeler, remove the skin from the end of a fresh ginger root.

2) Grate 1 Tbsp of ginger directly into the hot water. I usually eyeball this measurement, it's pretty forgiving.
3) Allow to steep for 2 minutes. You can cover the cup with a towel or small plate to help keep the water hot.
4) Pour the liquid from one cup to the other, using a fine mesh sieve to catch the ginger bits. Push any extra liquid out of the pulp in the sieve.
Add honey to taste if desired, and enjoy!

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