Happy New Year Everyone! I just want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who reads this blog. It keeps growing and growing, and I know that would never happen without all of you, so thank you :)
I hope everyone had a safe and fun New Years! I can't believe how fast 2011 went by. It was a great year over here, and to top it off, our family grew. I have high hopes for 2012.
My biggest ideal goal for this year is to try and slow down a little. I really don't foresee that happening though, so I at least want to be able to remember what I did each day. Sadly, I can't seem to remember what I did last week, let alone a few days ago. That's where project 365 comes in. Some of you may already be familiar with it - I only heard about it six months ago. So, for those of you with a bit more know how than myself, please excuse any amature information I may share :)
Basically, the project has you take a photo each day and share it. Though the idea of taking on such a huge task, with an already over-scheduled life, left me uneasy to say the least, I think the benefits of it by far outweigh my hesitations. For one, I'll be able to look back and see a portion of each day, and visually catalog the full year with my family. Second, this will help develop my photography skills (I'm saying this as if I have any already - eh em...). The hubs and I gave each other a DSLR for Christmas this year - now it's time to learn how to use it. Third, when everything is said and done, I want to be able to print out a small book for our family of the whole year.
For now, my plan is to post seven photos every Monday, and call it "My Week in Photos". Each one representing one day. I would love to have you follow along and if you want to do the same, leave a link in the comments section to your blog or photos.
I intend to make a few changes on the blog this year too. For starters, I am going to share more organizing posts. I couldn't believe how popular this one was! Thank you for all the "pins"! I also plan on sharing at least one kid craft each week. That is what started this blog, and I realize I've ventured away from it. I will be putting up a Kid Craft tab for easy access to past projects, and what better time to do that than winter.
Want to share your week in photos?
Leave a link in the comments! I would love to see them!
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