A few weeks ago I went looking for a simple conditioner for my wooden kitchen utensils. They were getting dried out and needed something, I just didn't know what. I ended up finding a really simple recipe that consisted of just olive oil and beeswax. Within 10 minutes, I had my new wood conditioner or "polish". I had quite a bit too, just a little bit goes a long way.
The kids and I rubbed the polish into all of our utensils and cutting boards. Then we gathered all of their wood toys and gave them a once over as well. During this, our hands got coated in the polish, but since it was just organic olive oil and beeswax, we rubbed it in like lotion. Later that day when I was changing Stella's diaper, she looked a little red so grabbed the tin of natural diaper cream. I scooped a bit out and then had a realization. It looked and felt exactly like the polish I had made earlier. Low and behold, I turned the tin over and that's basically what it was. This had a few different carrier oils in it, but ultimately it was just oil and beeswax. You can bet I won't be spending $7 on a tiny tin of butt cream again.
And the best part, in my opinion, is that by the end of the day, my hands were soooo soft. A few months before Stella was born, our dishwasher broke down and we have been hand washing ever since. Combine that with the dry hot air in the house, and I'm sure you can imagine the sad shape my hands have been in. Since that day, I have been moisturizing my super dry skin with the polish.
I made another batch with essential oils specifically for chest congestion and stuffy noses. We rub a little on our chest and put a dab under our nose when we have a cold or cough. I love it because I don't have to worry about goofy chemicals. I have been spending a lot of time researching natural alternatives to common medicine lately. I'm learning a lot, and hopefully will be able to share some of that with all of you once I feel like I have a good grasp on it.
I plan on making a lavender rub for the kids to use before bedtime. I will share that recipe when I find the perfect mix for us.
Do you use natural alternatives to anything? Please share!
Have a great day!