
Friday, October 12

Homemade Chicken Broth Recipe

Welcome back! Today is the final day in my week of immune-boosting recipes! If you missed the previous days, be sure to check them out here.
I'm sure at some point in your life, when you had a cold, someone suggested chicken soup. I think most of us just chalk it up to an old-school recommendation. Believe it or not, chicken soup actually does help cure a cold. Read more about that here. It has to be homemade though.
This is another easy recipe, it just takes some time and a little planning ahead.
What you need:
1 Cooked Whole Chicken - meat picked off
1-2 bay leaves
1 large onion sliced
2-3 Carrots chopped
1-2 Stalks of celery chopped
6 Cups of water
Large Stock Pot with lid
Colander or mesh sieve
1) Put the whole picked over chicken in the stock pot and cover with the six cups of water. Add bay leaves, peppercorns, onion, carrots and celery.
2) Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer. Allow to simmer for 1 hour, skimming off any fat that rises to the top. I usually cover mine with a lid.
3) After an hour, remove from heat and pour the liquid into a heat safe container or another pot, with either a colander or fine mesh sieve.

That's it! Super easy, just a little time consuming.
I buy our free-range chickens from a local farmer and end up paying about $12 each. That may seem like a lot, however I can typically get about two real dinners out of the chicken meat, and I end up with 4-6 cups of stock for soup and cooking. So if you were to add all that up, I think it's a pretty good deal.
If you want to make chicken soup, all you have to do is add some noodles, extra veggies and salt and pepper to taste. We make these noodles.

Pair your soup with some crunchy homemade bread or rolls and you've got a quick, nutritious and warm lunch or dinner!
Have a great weekend everyone!

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