
Thursday, October 11

Garlic and Oil Saute Recipe

This is day four in my week of immune-boosting recipes. If you missed the other days, be sure to click here!

  Garlic is a great health-booster, and in my opinion necessary in a healthy, balanced diet. It has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Garlic lowers blood pressure and LDL Cholesterol. It helps regulate blood sugar and prevent blood clots. It also has anti-viral properties and antioxidants. It has a lot more health benefits, click here to read more.

  You need quite a bit of garlic to reap all those rewards. A super easy way to get a large dose of garlic is to saute veggies and pastas in garlic and oil. If you've never sauteed, don't be intimidated, it's actually really easy!

  Below is my go-to easy garlic and oil saute recipe...

What you need:

Large frying pan or saute pan
Olive oil (organic if you can)
Sea salt
Minced Garlic
Wooden spoon
Any raw or lightly steamed veggies or cooked pasta

1). Pour enough olive oil into your pan to thinly cover the entire surface area.

2) Turn on your stove to med-high heat and sprinkle 1/4 tsp sea salt and 1/4 tsp pepper (or more to taste). Add 1-2 Tablespoons of minced garlic - again, depending on your tastes and how garlicky you want your dish.

3) Allow your oil mixture to heat up for about a minute and then add your veggies. Push the veggies around in the pan with the wooden spoon while they cook to avoid burning. Continue in this fashion until your vegetables are tender.

4) Turn off the heat. If you would like to add pasta (it must be fully cooked), now is the time to add that to the pan and again push everything around with the spoon to avoid sticking and burning.

5) Transfer everything to a bowl or serving dish and you're done!

This is so so good and has endless possibilities!

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