
Monday, January 28

Natural Clay Toothpaste

A few months ago, Chris and I had just finished a date night dinner and on the way home decided to stop at our local health food store. I'm not sure what it is about being sans kids in a store together, but it makes my husband goofy. Kind of a "Who are you and what did you do with my husband" - goofy. That night was no different. We were over by the natural beauty products and he started untwisting lotions and creams and jars to sniff them - which I guess is normal if you don't add weird snorting noises while you're doing it. I was too busy laughing at him to pay attention to what he was doing and before we knew it, a cloud of green powder jumped out at us and decorated the floor, the shelves, our shoes...
Long story short, after a lot of cleaning and apologizing on our part, we left the store with a not quite full container of Indian Healing Clay.
It has sat on my shelf ever since.
I'm not a big facial mask type of person, which is what the directions say to use it for, so that clay was never reopened.
Until yesterday. I ran out of toothpaste and I am bound and determined to not spend money on things I can make at home. Toothpaste is no exception.
Over Christmas, my mom gifted me the ebook DIY Organic Beauty - thanks mom! I remembered seeing a lot recipes that called for bentonite clay. I checked out my "Indian Healing Clay" and sure enough, that's what it was.
There are tons of homemade natural toothpaste recipes out there (like this and this), but I wanted to try this one first because I have the clay and want to use it up.
I won't lie, the idea of brushing my teeth with clay is still a little unsettling.
  After doing quite a bit of research on the subject, I've decided to always make my own toothpaste. It's just a matter of finding the right one for us. I did read online that the clay toothpaste has helped people with sensitive teeth.
Chris has very sensitive teeth. So that was what I focused on when I showed him this lovely jar of green clay that I expect him to put in his mouth.
Then, to highlight just how non-gross it would be, I picked up my toothbrush, scooped a little bit up with an espresso spoon and spread it on the bristles.
I turned on the water, started brushing and you know what? It wasn't gross at all.
It was different, for one it doesn't foam, but toothpaste doesn't need to foam. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, an ingredient in toothpaste, is used for the sole purpose of letting you know what you're doing is actually "working" by lathering. It's a marketing ploy (honest! - you can even read about it in this book that is all about marketing and NOT about toothpaste). Did you know that sodium lauryl sulfate - you know that stuff you put in your mouth twice a day - is used to degrease engines?
The taste of the clay toothpaste really was just like minty baking soda.
Afterword, my teeth were clean and my breath was fresh. Overall, I'm really happy with this will likely continue to use it.
I'm fairly certain, because of the texture, I will have to find another solution for my children.
What are your thoughts on homemade toothpaste?
Do you have a favorite toothpaste recipe?
I would love to hear what you have to say!
Have a great day!
~ Lisa
** This post is part of a natural livng link party over at Frugal by Choice **

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