
Thursday, October 18

Candy Free Halloween Party Favors

I remember being shocked by the amount of candy handed out at the very first Halloween party or "Fall" Party that my oldest went to at school. He was 4 and came home with a pile of tiny bags filled with treats. Don't get me wrong, I know how much fun it is to put together little things for the kids and I love seeing their eyes light up in excitement just as much as the next parent. I just wish there was a little less junk food.
I was bound and determined this year to find something for my kids to hand out that didn't involve sugar, and wasn't "totally lame". That's no easy feat, let me tell you. So I was thrilled when I came across these free printable bookmarks (click on the link to get your own!).

Look at how cute they are! But not only that, they meet my son's "cool" standard (he's in second grade - I know the bar will keep getting higher).
I printed out enough for 32 bookmarks on white 65# cardstock. After cutting them all out, I decided to laminate them for extra durability.
A word of advice - don't do like me and put your laminator on top of the stove. As I was snapping this pic, I failed to notice the corner getting stuck in the stove burners. Yup, I had a nice little hot plastic jam to fish out.
Here's a nice shot of my crinkled mess for you :)
After a little bit of damage control, I trimmed them up and there you have it! Super cute, inexpensive and candy free!
My initial plan was to punch a hole at the top of each bookmark and attach a ribbon. I was advised by my 7 year old that ribbons would make it too girly for his friends that are boys. We both agreed they were good like this.
I would love to hear some other candy free favor ideas. I'm still on the search for a preschool age appropriate handout. I would love some help!
Have a great day!


  1. what a great alternative to candy!

  2. Those are cute and a neat idea! I like getting away from "candy"! Your newest follower, please follow back!
