
Tuesday, April 24

Catch Up

Wow, it has been so long...

I thought it would be nice to do a quick catch up with photos from the last couple months. I stopped the photo 365 thing. Life happened, as it so often does, and I lost track of a few projects. I decided to just let it go - no sense in getting worked up over the little stuff. I may pick up where I left off and just do it in my own way - though it might take me three years, eh emm...

Anyway, back to the pictures. What better way to start than my obviously annoyed seven year old? He's not such a fan of the camera lately - though that is not about to stop me. He took second place in the pinewood derby a while back, which put him in the running for the "big" derby up north. We had a good time, and in the end, he won 4 out of 5 races.

We have been having lots of "firsts" around here lately too. Stella loved her first Easter and not more than three days later, cut her first two teeth, started sitting up all on her own, and started scooting around the room. My little overachiever - she looks kind of like a sea turtle propelling herself across the carpet with her little feet.
We had a few egg hunts as well...

And a lot of regular days...

Miss Hannah had her first haircut - at three years old! She absolutely loved her trip to the "beauty salon".

All in all, there has just been a lot of life being lived, and not a lot of pictures being snapped. I do have some fun recipes and tutorials to share with you all. I'm really excited about them, so hopefully it won't take me too long to post. I have also been working on a much bigger project that I will definitely be posting about within the next month or so.

Wishing you a wonderful week!