
Wednesday, January 11

Saving Schoolwork

When my son started Kindergarten last year, we started getting bombarded with piles and piles of paper. I was honestly taken back by the amount actually - it all seems so wasteful. With that being said, I also found myself stuck in a weird gray area of what to save and what to recycle. On the one hand, I wanted to keep as many pieces of his intellectual and artistic growth as I could. On the other however, I knew I couldn't handle massive piles for all three children...

Then last week, I came across this post! It seemed so simple! Why hadn't I thought of that? I quickly ran out to the store and gathered what I needed to create three matching Schoolwork bins.

I followed the directions on Jen's blog, and she even provides free printables - which I happily used.

And with a little help from my happy assistant, I had three bins all set up and ready to go for each child for pre-K to 12th grade! I'm so stinking happy with this one, really.

I also decided to add cute name tags over the ugly product stickers that I can never get completely off. I just used some scrapbook paper and placed white labels in the center. I wrote each child's name on the card and then laminated them so they will hold up over the years.

So there you have it. If you want to make one of your own, click here.

Take care!


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