
Tuesday, April 5

Homemade Natural Deodorant that Works!

For the last six months or so, I've been searching for a natural, aluminum free deodorant that will actually work.

Saying I tested a lot would be an understatement. I actually ended up going back to my non-natural Dove for a little while because I thought it was a lost cause.

Then I came across this super simple (so simple in fact that I thought it would never work) recipe and was shocked. Not only at how well the deodorant actually works, but also how simple and inexpensive it is. I'm hooked!

**This recipe is not mine, however, I've found it in numerous places all over the web, and have no idea who actually created it. If you know, please tell me, and I'll make sure to credit the author**

I have put this to the test, and it has passed with flying colors. It lasts ALL day, has no scent AND keeps me dry. I've worn it during very intense work outs, and all night waiting tables, and so far, I love it.

A little goes a long way, so just use a little bit, or it will feel greasy. It does need to be kept in the refrigerator as well.

What you need:

1/4 C Baking Soda
1/4 C Arrowroot powder (you can purchase this at most health food stores or online)
5-6 Tbsp Coconut oil

Simply mash everything together until you get a solid-like consistency. The mashing will warm up the coconut oil so that it will not be a complete solid until it's placed in the fridge.

I emptied out an old deodorant stick and just filled it up with my mixture, and it works just the same. Love it!

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