
Tuesday, January 11

One Small Change - Dec. Update

It just dawned on me that I never gave an update on our small change from December. I made a post about my lofty goals for this year - but didn't really narrow it down to a specific monthly one. So I guess that's my goal for Janruary, find a smaller do-able goal for Februray. I should also mention that I think I jumped the gun on the other blog's theme, and overlooked the fact that they seem to be more focused on enviornmental changes - I'm more focused on our family right now, so I think I'll just do my own thing.

And so, if you don't remember my December change, you can read about it here. We have been successfully reading more everyday. I did however ditch the whole "sit in a special chair" idea - it's just too formal for my family. Besides, a lap is so much cozier than the floor, don't you think?

I have baskets in most of the rooms in the house that are filled with books, and I'm so pleased that the books are actually being used. A lot.

I wish I would have thought to do this sooner. I can't tell you how many times a day I feel a little tug on my shirt, or hear "can we read this?"

Unless I have a pot of something ready to boil over, or the dog needs to go out, I never say no.

Take Care!

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