
Tuesday, December 21

Winter Solstice 2010

This is the first year that we are actively celebrating Winter Solstice - and what a year to start. I'm not sure if many of you were aware (though if this is a day you celebrate regularly, I'm sure you are), but this morning was a lunar eclipse. The first lunar eclipse to fall on Winter Solstice since 1638! It's not predicted to happen again until 2094 - which, well, I know I won't be here, but hopefully my children will...

And so, with that said, yes, I was up at 3am watching the moon...

What a beautiful start to the darkest day of the year. I really wanted to have special Solstice pajama's for my children to wear tonight, but I think I put too much on my plate this year as far as crafting is concerned, and it just didn't happen (although I suppose there is still time... yes, I do in fact think I may be nuts, lol).

We will be having a larger than normal, fancier than normal dinner tonight (I hesitate to call it a feast), and a candle will burn until we go to bed. Just small ways to celebrate the coming of longer days, warmer days, and soon to be fertile land.

Wishing you all a beautiful day!

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