
Wednesday, October 13

Winter Gardening Thoughts

My tiny garden pretty much completely died on me about a week ago. So I spent some time this afternoon clearing out the dead debris. It didn't take very long, it's only about 2 feet by 9 feet. The kids had a great time trying to pull all of the grass out of the backyard while I did this (I'm guessing that's what they thought I was doing???). Though I didn't get a whole lot of produce this year, I did learn a whole lot. This was the first time I ever tried growing food. To be honest, I can't even keep a cactus alive - true story. So the fact that I did get a whole lot of lettuce, radishes, carrots, 2 bell peppers, bowls full of cherry tomatoes, and an odd array of very miniature cantaloupe, watermelon and squash, had me very happy. I went into this project not expecting much more than to learn from my mistakes.

I'm kind of a nut when it comes to starting new things, and I pretty much go on information binges, trying to learn as much as I can in as little time as possible. Probably not the best, but it works for me. I happened to come across an article in an issue of Mother Earth News about winter gardening. So guess what I'm going to try? Hmmmm... I wonder... :)

The best part, I believe anyway, is that when I was rambling on about all my ideas to my grandma the other day. And told her about the book I wanted to find, she instantly asked me the authors name, and then ran (well, quickly walked) down to the basement and came back up with the exact book I wanted. How lucky am I? Plus, she had the cover I'll need for it, and it's just about the exact size I need it to be. Wow, it must be a sign that I was meant to garden in the winter, heh...
Oh, did I forget to mention that I need to climb on top of a chair to reach my little garden? Yup, it's behind a retaining wall in our backyard. I can't (because of association rules) have a garden in our itsy-bitsy backyard. Look at that sad tomato bush that's falling over the edge of the wall, lol. This was taken right before I cleared everything out. It's hard to see what's up there because of all the wild growth behind it - which I love to look at by the way, seriously, I think it's so pretty. Oh yes, and to the far right hand corner, the chair I climb - where there's a will, there's a way I suppose :)
Have a great day!


  1. Your blog looks great! I am new and found you from bloggymoms, follow me I follow you... I'm not sure where you live but most of my herbs grow year round. Easy to grow and fun for your winter garden.

  2. Hello! Following you from bloggy moms! Check out my blog at

    Keri :)
