
Monday, October 25

Transitioning to a Healthier Lifestyle - Part 2

Cows should eat grass, not grain. Please read on...

This is an on-going topic on my blog, so if you haven't already read the first section, click here.

One of the biggest changes, yet also the easiest switch, we made was to start buying grass fed meat and dairy products.

There is a HUGE nutritional difference between grain fed products and grass fed. Here is an article by Jo Johnson, who explains why grass fed beef is superior to the feed lot grain-fed products most of us have grown up on.

I like to keep this blog on a more positive note, and don't feel comfortable bombarding you with a gazillion facts as to why it's so important to eat local, and to know where your food is coming from. I've provided a couple links in this post that will help as a starting point if you're not familiar with the topic. But I do encourage you to dig deep, and really become aware of the food industry in America - it's a bit scary to say the least.

It took me a little while to find local grass-fed meat, but I did, and to my surprise, I can pick it up at our local Farm Bureau year round (only ground beef at the moment). During the off-season (grass fed beef is in higher quantities during the spring and summer because in addition to birth timing, the cows have more food to eat and reach their desired weight sooner) our local farmer will meet us in the town square with special orders if she has the items available. I was thrilled to see that the ground beef was actually less expensive than feed lot beef at local chain stores - unbelievable! Another added bonus, it looks like this year the Farm Bureau in our town will be holding an indoor farmers market three times a month during the off season - I'm so excited about this!

Ok, I just can't help myself...
Here's a scary statistic sited in the documentary King Corn- "If you're under the age of 30, chances are you have never tasted grass fed beef, unless you went looking for it." The documentary does a good job of showing how the corn industry is shaping America, and the consequences that go along with it.

Here is another helpful link in finding grass fed meat.

Annnnndddd.... Because it's Monday and I promised I would, here's our dinner menu plan for the week:
Monday: Nachos
Tuesday: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Potato Soup (my own creation, and yes, I'll share soon)
Wednesday: Scrambled eggs with veggies and toast
Thursday: Pot Roast with roasted veggies
Friday: Pizza with green peppers and mushrooms (on half of course, because the kids wouldn't have it any other way)
To take a peak at last week's menu, click here.

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