
Monday, October 18

Meal Planning

Today I'm linking up to a site called to share our weekly menu plan. A lot of you know I do my best to have our family follow a Real Food diet, but we're not perfect (who is?!), and I'm always looking for new (but fairly quick) recipes. I thought it might be fun to share my meal plans with all of you, at least for a few weeks anyway. I have to admit, things do get a bit repetitive around here, and I need to branch out. So I'm hoping a lot of other blogs link up to that post so I can get some more inspiration.

Every Sunday morning, I sit down with my coffee and figure out what we're going to eat for dinner for the week. I don't worry much about lunch because we usually just eat leftovers or sandwiches. For breakfast I typically have some sort of baked muffin or scone, or pancakes I pull out of the freezer and thaw to eat. I like to bake in huge batches and then freeze, it saves time and money. So, I give each family member a chance to pick one meal for that week, and then fill in the rest.

Making the list takes the guess work out of the week, and saves us a lot of money on groceries because we only buy what we need. We do our weekly shopping for produce and milk on Sunday's after the list has been made.

**Please note that all of the ingredients we use are typically organic, homegrown, handmade, local, or raw - which would be super expensive if I didn't plan ahead and make most of our own meals. We stay away from processed food as much as possible.**

Week 1

Monday: Mac 'n Cheese with a side of broccoli
- Austin's pick for the week, we use Annie's Homegrown. Not really a real food, but better than the blue box ;)

Tuesday: Stuffed Shells, garlic bread toast, and green beans - Homemade - my pick

Wednesday: Grilled Chicken with roasted potatoes and carrots - Chris's pick

Thursday: Soft Tortilla Tacos and cheesy rice - we make the tortillas, and the taco seasoning, which I also add to the the hot rice and sprinkle cheddar over it. Our ground beef is grass-fed from a local farm.

Friday: Garlic Bread Pizza - we have this almost every Friday because it's easy, and everyone likes it, and I consider this Hannah's pick.

Have a great day!


  1. Thanks for joining us at with the Fit Meals Monday @! I LOVE that you let everyone pick something to eat (I'm assuming when you say Austin's and Chris' pick that's what you meant). : ) I'll have to do that at my house one week! I'm going to try your soft tacos with cheesy rice one week and link back to you if that's ok. I want to try your taco seasoning! Thanks!

  2. Thank you Annett! Please do link back, and let me know what you think of the taco seasoning. Have a great day! :)

  3. I love meal planning - sounds like a great line up for the week!

    I am your newest follwer from Bloggy Moms! Stop by when you have time.

