
Thursday, July 15

Colorful Sand Art

Welcome Back!
Today I'm sharing a much over-due kid's craft project. We had a lot of fun with this one, and ended up using it as a center piece on our kitchen table. I hope you enjoy it!

What you need:
Sand (we stole some from our sandbox - I don't think the kids will mind)
Zip closure bags
Food coloring
Funnel or small cups, or both
Toothpick (optional)

1) Put 1-2 cups of sand in a baggie. We did four different colors, so therefor filled up four different bags.

2) Put 4-8 drops of food coloring into each bag and close. Make sure the bag's are completely closed, or you'll have quite the mess on your hands. Shake each bag vigorously until the color is well blended and you don't see any food coloring clumps. The should look like the photo below.

3) Pour the sand in alternating colors, layering them on top of each other, in any way your child wants. If they're old enough, have them do the layering - as well as the shaking above.

4) Here's a shot of our halfway threw. My son asked me to give it teeth, so the only thing I could think of was to stick the toothpick in along the side of the glass to push some of the color down. He seemed pretty happy with that solution. You can see it in the next photo.

5) We then filled it almost to the top with more layers.

6) We found some fake flowers laying around and pushed them in the middle, and now we have a cute little center piece for our table.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and please leave a comment and let me know what you think about the site. Is there something you'd like to see more of? Or less of?
Take care everyone!
~Lisa :)

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