
Tuesday, May 25

Searching For Clovers

Welcome Back!
Today was absolutely beautiful out, and the inside of the house was not the place to be. We spent the majority of the day outside playing, and ended the great day with a walk near dusk. Our mission? To find the infamous four leafed clover... We never found one, but the kids had a great time in the process. We came across an ant colony, touched the different textures of grass, had a few bird sightings and counted the sidewalk blocks. This is a great exploring activity and serves as a good opportunity to teach your kids about nature.

What you need:
comfy shoes

1. Decide what it is you'd like to go on a search for. Some examples would include our clover idea, or maybe a robin's egg, colored rocks, and so on.

2. Point out different things that you see around you, the smells, the sounds. Ask your children to do the same for you - you'd be amazed at some of the things those tiny eyes catch that you would otherwise never notice.

That's it really, just make sure to have a good chunk of time set aside to do this - everything is amazing to a young mind and you don't want to have to rush them along.

Take care everyone!

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