
Monday, April 5

Grow Your Own Seedlings

**This a post from my other blog - Clearing Out The Stuff, that I felt could be carried over to this site as well**

This was a huge step for me! If you know me personally, then you probably know just how un-green my thumb really is. I have never been able to keep a plant alive - even the easy ones. This is a difficult area for me, and I know it's silly - so I'm trying super hard :)
As a fun project, my 5 year old son Austin and I decided to try and grow our own seedlings using an inexpensive greenhouse kit (to a more experienced gardener I'm sure this seems wastefull - but I've never done this before, and I wanted my son to see something, lol). This was so easy, we just poured water over the soil packets to make them expand, planted 2-3 seeds in each soil packet, and covered it with the lid - I didn't even have to water it the first week because it stayed so moist.

It's hard to tell from the photo, but everything sprouted, and quickly at that. This photo was taken 1 week after we planted everything. We have six different varieties, and 12 of each, leaving us with 72 plants, and no where to put them, lol. That issue led to me to container gardening and garden beds - but more on those later! We are three weeks out, and so far everything is thriving. It's my hope to have a bunch of fresh veggies this summer for my family. Knowing where my food is coming from, and the soil it's grown in is important to me - not to mention it will save us a lot of money over time if I freeze (or, imagine, learn how to can/preserve!) the food.

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